My Weight Loss Journey: And the First Stone is Off!

I just had to run for the train and as I sprinted in desperation to get there on time I realised… I can run! My belly is no longer rebounding up and down vigorously causing my leggings to fall down. Im knackered and it is still tough but the fact remains. I ran today.

I am just over three weeks into step 2 on the Cambridge diet and I am 16 lbs lighter. Outfits that used to look strained are beginning to hang nicely and the horrible overhang on my belly is almost 2 inches less! I have also lost 2.5 inches on my waist and 1 inch on my chest (sorry Josh).

I’m not going to lie, it hasn’t been easy. Weekends in particular are tough and it is hard to do this diet when your boyfriend isn’t. In a bid to avoid doing the dishes I have continued to cook him meals throughout and here are a few photos of our comparative feasts that I keep to remind me how strong I am being:


The toughest challenge has been managing the diet while on the move in my new job. I am going to a lot of events with free food and booze and little low calorie options available. I weakened and I have indulged but I have also strived to keep my carbs down and drank plenty of water. I also tried to have a little dance where possible and jumped straight back on the diet the next day, guzzling back over 3 litres of water each day.

A Woman on a Mission

I am a lady on a mission and I am not just talking about my diet.  From the moment I went to university on my 30th birthday I have been in pursuit of ‘realness’ and my own version of happiness. And while it has been a tough journey, piece by piece I am getting there. In February 2012 I was at the weight I have now just achieved and preparing to lose more. Sadly I was then rushed to hospital in anaphylactic shock and pumped with steroids. 1 week later, covered head to toe in a lumpy itchy rash and swollen all over they still didn’t know what was wrong with me. Eventually test results revealed it was an allergic reaction to Amoxicillen. I left hospital 1 stone heavier and extremely erratic with my emotions due to high doses of Prednisone, known as the ‘incredible hulk’ drug. That was the period of my life my husband chose to give up on us and we separated for good. I was broken and felt the lowest I have ever been. But it was also the time that I shifted towards music journalism and went on a more determined mission to become a better writer. It was also the catalyst for changing degrees (from journalism to creative writing) and meeting my gorgeous boyfriend, Josh.

Now over 2 years later I have finally reached a time in my life where the foundations feel strong enough to build upon. And back to my pre-hospital weight – I am ready to continue on my mission to find the confident and active version of myself that is fighting to get out. Bring on the next stone loss!

The Evidence – Can You See a Difference?

Here is a photo of me now. Sadly I cant yet afford my new outfit but I shall just double up on the next stone and get two! Win win 🙂



Until the next stone! Please feel free to send me your questions or share your own weight loss journey with me @jenniferthered


  1. Rachel · · Reply

    Hi Jen

    Wow well done girl you look amazing huge difference already-if its like that after one stone imagine the difference with another. I am in the middle of week 6 and I am down 18lbs it feels great but I do understand and totally agree with you with regard the weekends it is the hardest point for me. I am on SS but I did break it last weekend I had a hen party I couldn’t get away from I stuck to protein and stayed clear of alcohol and I stayed the same plus it was my TOM so didnt feel so bad. I was expecting to loose a little more by now some weeks I have lost 3 lb and I was beating myself up BUT I am in this for the long run I want it to last. Best of luck on your journey and looking forward to reading more.


    1. Well done Rachel! Not sure I could do SS the evening meal is my aim everyday! Good luck and please keep me posted. Would be great to hear about your progress! X

  2. Sounds like you’ve really been through it the past few years. You’re doing brilliantly and can see a difference already.. well done hun x

    1. Thanks Deb 🙂

  3. Well done I am also on step 2 but getting fed up with omelette, stir fry or mushroom and leek quiche anymore ideas would be great. I have lost 8lb in two weeks but got some birthday celebrations coming up involving copious amount of alcohol and snacks eek

    1. Hi Mandy. My favourite meals are 1. Smoked tofu fried with frylight, soy sauce and herbs. I then have it with either spinach / cabbage related vegs and add chickpeas for more protein as the full weight amount of tofu you are allowed is huge! 2. Quorn mince, fried in similar way but I use Quark (as alternative to cottage cheese), I have this with either mixed veg or stuffed mushroom – which is basically large mushroom filled with cottage cheese and topped with spring onions. 3. Tuna steak – is yummy!!! With anything! lol The reason these are my fave is because you can have the most for the weight allowance! Others I have are white fish or sometimes quorn sausages. If I want to feel a bit naughty without going too far off the diet I also have chicken and veg but add a little low fat korma sauce for flavour. I hope this helps! 🙂

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